The Church of Tina Chopp Today
     Since the beginning of the Church's activities we have been recieving a lot of correspondence in response to our publications, from people all over the world. These reports include indications that the phrase Tina Chopp is God! has been seen in as widely diverse places as Australia, Europe, Asia, North and South America... recently a friend of the Church has reported seeing Tina Chopp is God! written in Greek, in the concrete of a sidewalk in Athens, and (in English) on a wall in mainland China. From these, and similar reports we have determined that the influence of Tina is much wider than we could ever have imagined. It is in response to the large number of requests we have recieved that this web site was created and posted originally on Friday, October 13, 1995 by the High Priest of the Church, Rev. Guido DeLuxe, who is currently overall High Priest of The Church of Tina Chopp, web master of this site, and spiritual guide of The Church.

     There have been many changes over the years, several of which have precipitated pivotal shifts in the organization which represented The Word of The Holy Snake. There was the grafitti incident spoken of previously, which was in essence the birth of The Church, then there was the first schism, which resulted in the excommunication of Rev. Jaymes Douglass Fyrr, followed by the conflict with the former Seattle-based band which called itself Tina Chopp, the matter of Zanthia and, most recently, the second schism, which (in the opinion of the author) was a direct result of AIDS related dementia. One bit of fallout resulting from the second schism was that The Church of Tina was not informed until significantly after the event, that Rev. Osiris Ranebo, OHS, ST, had died of a drug and alcohol overdose. The demand for information about Tina has continued to grow and several years ago the decision was made expand the ministry of The Church of Tina into a more public venue. The first task was to release a text only version of The Books of Tina, which until this time has existed only in four paperbound chapbooks, cheaply printed and poorly reproduced, and only in the private libraries of the two high priests of the Church, and two other, unnamed people. The Church then began to stage public Ritual Vegetable Sacrifices, in order to spread the word of Tina in a more active way. Thirdly, was the creation of this web-site, where people from all over the world may come freely to obtain important information concerning Tina, Snakes, muffins, pumpkins, caledonia mahogany's elbows and green things in general.

     The First Internet Church of Tina Chopp occasionally holds "Virtual Vegetable Sacrifice Ceremonies®" on telnet. See our Page of Interesting Links, or email us for more details. We strongly encourage people to create their own Tinite Rituals (an example of which is the Sacred Zucchini Horn Ritual), which will, hopefully, include or expand on the Three Holy Tinite Rituals: Vegetable Sacrifice, Snake Fondling and Bizarre Sex.

     Go back to the Official Story, find out the identity of The Two Freaks or go back to the Main Menu.

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