Here are some links which, while not actually associated with The Church of Tina Chopp are ones which we think Tinites worldwide will find interesting.
The Misanthropic Bitch is humourous and deadly.
We Are The Other People - Read this now! Especially if you're a "christian"
F.N.O.R.D. (We'll let you figure this one out on your own.)
The Church of The SubGenius is a rival church. Is Tina Chopp "Bob"? Conclusively, no! Tina never lies (TBOT and "Bob" lied!
Those interested in such things might also be intrigued by The Forbidden Archives at
The Ape of Thoth is a text search dæmon which accesses huge quantities of very interesting texts.
Here is a list of Biblical Vulgarities and Obscenities with explanations for those of you who still don't get it.
Here is A Random Zen Koan for all the Zen Tinites.
If you're a Whirling Dervish Tinite (or just if you want to find out what one is) Mevlana Jalaud' Din Rumi is the guy who knows.
The Right Side of the Web is a conservative, republican (read Anti-Tinite) place which we recommend you should not go unless it is to tell them how disgusting they really are. This site is rated Bad/Bad by the Tinite Rating System. Fortunately they have a Grafitti Wall and a place where you can Post Messages on that wall, so have fun!
Scott Pakin's Automatic Complaint Letter Generator is extremely useful if you can't think of enough bad things to say about those who bother you.
Along the same lines, The Shakespearean Insult Generator, and The Elizabethan Curse Generator are useful if you can't think of anything bad to say about those who bother you.
The Cyrano Server will automatically write steamy love letters, or cold-hearted "Dear John" letters, if you lack the skill or volition to do it yourself.
A wonderful variety of Tinite resources can no longer be found in the archives of DRUGS -- PARANOIA -- DRUGS. They leave us with this message:
When they took the fourth amendment,
I was quiet because I didn't deal drugs.
When they took the sixth amendment,
I was quiet because I was innocent.
When they took the second amendment,
I was quiet because I didn't own a gun.
Now they've taken the first amendment,
and I can say nothing about it.
The Kooks Museum is all about people who are far weirder than us... No, really!
Just how weird are you anyway? Find out by taking the Keirsey Temperament Sorter/Jungian Personality Test.
If your computer supports a telnet protocol (meaning that when you click on telnet links your computer starts up a telnet client and logs you in at the linked telnet address) you have the rare opportunity of meeting Rev. Guido DeLuxe in cyberspace and possibly taking part in virtual Vegetable Sacrifice Ceremonies and other Tinite rituals. These programs work in a way which is similar to IRC, except they're scripted with a simple command language (called Elsewhere 2).
At Crazylands you can find Rev. DeLuxe masquerading as a character named mahiswAradas.
Land O' Useless Facts
A List of Euphamisms For er... you know... uh... Snake Fondling! Yeah... that's it!
If the previous link disturbs you, you might need to check out
Steps To Overcoming Masturbation
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