Of course, The Prophets were quite surprised by this message, but by carefully observing The Snake as he crawled around their apartment and especially as He ate His weekly gerbil, they discovered that The Snake was communicating quite a complex message to them, giving them very specific instructions in the worship of His Mother, Tina Chopp.
After The Prophets had a fairly firm grasp on their sacred task, Ebbers decided that it was time for Him to perform The Service which was the entire reason He had been sent to earth by Tina. The fact that He had come in contact with, and contributed to the enlightenment of The Prophets was entirely secondary to The Reason that Tina had sent Him to earth to begin with. That Service was to plant The Seed of Vegetable Sacrifice and to reap the harvest of eternal Safeway and to return with that harvest to Tina's home, Planet X-38 so that the earth would no longer be plagued by evil discochicks, jocks and rent-a-cop demons. Continue reading about Ebeneezer Squeezer, go back from whence you came, go to the main menu, or don't.